Last goodbye

Posted by Kenny Wee On Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hey , all my loyal readers and friends of mine. . =)

I am seriously leaving. .
I am leaving in 11hours time from the time I blog now. .
Luggage already 90% done. . Just some final touch. .
I am so gonna miss my home , family , friends & everyone !
I hope national service will be real fun for me. .
Family , friends & everyone who is reading this. .
For my family ,
I love you all. . Papa , mama , da jie , 2nd sister. . Thanks for all the preparation you all did for me before I go. . I appreciate it a lot ! =)
For my friends ,
I would like to take this chance to say , I am sorry for any mistake I have done !
We will be friends forever and you all will be always in my heart no matter what =)
For my special one ,
Do take good care of yourself because I really do care. .
Do not get even minor sick like headache. . Gonna miss you like crazy =)
Take good care ! =)
Till then , gonna leave my blog alone for 3months. .
Wait till I got come ya !