Feeling it

Posted by Kenny Wee On Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tuesday is a good day !
Back to kl after 3days at melaka..
1st session , some of them came over my house for gamble session =D
Was gambling and doing some catch up with my small gang.. Until around evening..
Decided to go over pepsi's house.. He threw a party..
Went over there.. And another gamble session again.. HAHA ! CNY right? Gambling is all around..
Then had our dinner then.. Head back to berlin's crip around 10pm..
Paid a visit at his house.. Then mr.liang fell asleep there.. Went home around 11pm..
Then mom & dad haven't take their dinner.. Accompanied them.. As both my sisters is not around kl until next week.. LOL..
Ended my day with internet as usual.. And I realize I love to bath during midnight nowadays..
The weather is just so hot and it is killing me.. Am thinking of a trip to genting again..
Because genting is chilling ! =)
Gonna end my post with the photos from quik's house =)
Not much photos of me as I am holding the camera the whole time =X
Quotes of the day : Enjoy life to the max !
Introducing you the host.. LOL
Chilling time !
Spot me and the other guy? LOL.. Uncle pervert small kid face =.=
Bangan !
Text lagi with one hand ! HAHA
Ignore my retard face .. HAHA
Rock !
Miao !
Miss using my baby D.. LOL

Chilling time once again =D