Office is loves

Posted by Kenny Wee On Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Genting pictures is not up yet..
Thanks to the effience michelle tang.. I thought she said upload around 30pictures already yesterday night..
What I saw today was only 9pictures? HAHA!
So freaking slow,chelle!
Anyway, I am back to normal office life..
Been busy with house stuffs and sick for almost 2weeks? LOL..
Was freaking tired to get up every morning so I skipped office working hour 3days in a week.. HAHA!
Gonna start to be more hardworking and work more at office then chilling session at night with friends.. And of course meet new people =)
It is really bored doing the same thing everyday.. I didn't get to talk to other collegues too..
Always stick to mr.scanner and mr.pc everyday.. LOL.. And mr.paper as well as mr.stapler? HAHA!
Anyway, really thanks a lot to aunty mary that give me ride to office everyday =X
Have to trouble her every morning =X
Anyway, I spotted a real funny name today in office.. Gonna upload the picture to end my post for today =)

Quotes of the day : Love the peoples around you..

Some pictures from genting. Super lousy by my hp camera! haha..
All mist..
Imagine how cold it was =D

And this name I spotted! hahahaah! Sorry if this person saw this =X