Doom day
Woke up at 6.50am like usual.. But it was raining..
Kinda lazy to wake up and wanted to skip school.. But finally decide to go too..
Got to school.. Went to physics lab and I was doomed by my paper3 marks.. Omg.. It is horrible man.. Can't believe I score that low.. Because my partB the whole experiment wrong.. Wrong experiment!
Next period was biology.. Got back my paper.. Got C4 for it.. Not satisfied.. Forget about it..
Today,get to settle all my curriculum marks.. Finally..=)
Today bm period was a blast.. Pn.sow slap fatstink! Because of his stink mouth! Hahaha.. Please admit what you did not by doing some idiot stuffs just to cover it..
Lastly,today last period was add math.. Once again.. I fail my add math! HAHA!
The is total of 15 people who failed add math.. LOLOLOL.. It is hard this term? I don't know..
Gonna work harder from now onward to get better result =X
Okay.. Below is some random pictures taken during pool session on last holiday =)Uncle pervert making his shot..