Hey,peeps! Since my dad change my channel away..
I am here to blog.. I promised the little girl alyna yong that I will blog everyday for 6days until she is back.. =X
She went to cambodia for a mission for 6days.. Took flight yesterday and today..
I guess lots of her friends start to miss her.. =X
As for me.. I am still okay.. Maybe because just 1st day.. Without her voice and laughter..haha!
About today.. Kye actually woke me up.. Thanks to her.. LOLOL..
Did some revision.. Just stuck at home the whole day.. Cannot play basketball due to my left hand..
For your information.. It get better now..
But mommy still wants me to go and consult doctor again.. I don't feel like going.. Hmmm..
Gonna hang my hand to school tomorrow.. Sure got people keep staring one..
And yesterday got lots of people comment about my hand.. Saying I am naughty..
I am like.. Do you think I want my hand to be like that? LOLOLOL..
2months without basketball and no heavy exercise.. Gonna become more fat la.. No more doubt..
Can't imagine my tummy become bigger and bigger.. LOLOL..
No pictures for the day.. Nothing happening in my life recently.. HAHA..
Lastly, I am truely in love with photography! =D
Chiaoz,peeps! =D