Back to school

Posted by Kenny Wee On Monday, September 28, 2009

Today got back to school like usual..

Had sivik exam today..

It was after recess and I thought the paper was before recess.. Keep wait and wait..

Mana tau..After recess only the paper start..

Okay..Back to school..Get to meet all my gang again =)

We were doing all the nonsense in the class again..No teacher were around..Time to break the hell up!hahaha.. Shared what we did during holiday and make fun..

Had breakfast with my classmates..They were awesome la..Making noise while eating..Talk nonsense..

After recess..I try to scared berlin by keeping away his hp as he kept his hp in his bag and the zip was half opened..He went to recess without his hp..So I decided to give him a shock..

He came back and he checked his bag..He was dam afraid because he thought he lost his hp!Searching up and down for it..HAHA! He even try to call it but his hp was in silent mode.. =D

Finally I gave him back the hp..

Ch was making fun of that fatstink aka walrus in class..Because his act of idiocy..lolololol..

Started our sivik paper and guess what..Our called himself yeng aka fatstink hp rang during the sivik paper!It was mr.loh in class that time..We laughed at him like shyt because he like to show off..Finally his hp got grab by teacher..HAHA! Nobody pity at him..

Me,mark,ch and the rest was making fun of him..Kesian betul la wei!hahahaha! Too bad! Who ask you to be so yeng!

After school..Went to jojo to have our lunch..With mark and mervin..
Talk nonsense and some serious stuffs again..
I would like to mention here..
If the someone out there..Think yourself is hell of a great..Why not come and talk to me face to face? It's funny when you say something that is not true..Just to make yourself feel like you're hell of a great..Only few of them from my gang knows who is that..
Don't talk at others bad..Some more it is not the truth?hahaha..
It's okay if you think yourself is hell of a great! That make you feel better I guess =)

And!!Finally I got my mic and earphone on hand..Gonna get my wifi modem soon I guess..
Anyone wanna skype with me can talk to me now =)

Okay okay..Gonna stop one..Talk a lot today.. =x

Till the,chiaozz peeps! =)