Saltillo Tile Restoration
8 months ago
Since ger asked to stop posting shoes..Here I go..
APPRECIATION TO MISS.MK *know why is it green?*
Appreciation from me to salad of the day..
Enjoy the song..hahaa! =X *inside joke*
Alright..About exam
Took bi,bm and maths paper..Er..As usual..Sucks..Never even really much effort I put on the mark I get for it..lols..but the effort is close to plain..Lazy wanna talk about this..Besok add maths!!Mati! =X
Recently..Addicted to hard rock music!!Rocking my life,man!!*gila*
Dedication to you......
Ain't giving up..
Ain't letting you go..
Ain't gonna let anyone hurt you..
You're my precious one..You always do..=)
My promises..