Nothing much about my life so far..
Just normal school day and weekends..
Yum cha session..Lepak..Pasar malam..
Same old routine everyday..
Study,eat,sleep and play!
Not bored of it with all of you..
Making jokes around..
Having fun while driving..
All memories..=) Mr.Chong..
Thanks to the photographer ms.jenny liow..She said I look yeng in this..*cough*
When you met someone special..
You're LOST!
Wish you were here..
Bon Odori
Went for skuad kursus..
Don't have photos for this..
My group won the whole kursus..
Had fun although this year not really a succesful year..=)
After that..
Went bon odori..
Ch drove me and chelle there..
Not bad though..
Kinda enjoyed myself there..
Saw lots of friends..
Lots of hypebeast too..
Photos as below..=)
Enjoy!=D HP x Rubik Cube
A & W
Nothing much about this week..
After so long..Went A & W..
The food was sucks..I tried the new volcano burger..
Small portion and not that nice also..
Chen hsiung said..Don't try new food when you eat fast food..
It is always not good..Good point?
After A & W..
Went gasing hill..
Some photos to share..
Volcano burger which is not nice..